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  • Australian company Lution introduced ‘Lution Powered’ at the IHA Summit in Melbourne
  • Designed to assist businesses in building and managing internal agency capabilities
  • Utilizes AI, automation, and offshore support for productivity and high-quality work
  • Helps manage team staffing and development
  • 78% of Australian businesses have in-house agency capabilities
  • ‘Lution Powered’ offers access to indie agencies for creative diversity

Thoughts: Lution’s ‘Lution Powered’ seems to provide a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to enhance their in-house agency capabilities. By integrating AI, automation, and offshore support, they aim to streamline operations and deliver high-quality work. The partnership with high-profile brands like Foxtel and Honda indicates the effectiveness of the service in meeting industry demands. The approach of combining internal and external agency support reflects the evolving trend in the marketing landscape, where flexibility and efficiency are key. Overall, ‘Lution Powered’ appears to offer a valuable resource for companies seeking a competitive edge in creative output and agency management.

元記事: https://www.mi-3.com.au/12-09-2024/lution-powered-launched-boost-house-agency-capabilities