Summary and Thoughts:
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is heavily investing in artificial intelligence (AI) and has allocated billions of dollars for expanding AI offerings and modernizing internal platforms.
PwC is focusing on upskilling its employees on AI tools and capabilities to enhance efficiency and productivity, with initiatives like My+.
The role of Chief AI Officer (CAIO) is gaining prominence in organizations deploying AI, requiring someone to extract corporate value from evolving technology.
PwC has been utilizing AI for years, making significant commitments to expand AI capabilities and forming alliances with major AI technology vendors.
AI tools at PwC have improved efficiency by 20-30%, allowing employees to focus on strategic work and deliver greater value to clients.
PwC is both buying and building AI tools, such as ChatPwC, to accelerate the use of AI within the organization.
The future of AI involves embedding it into business strategies, products, services, and ways of working, with new AI-powered products and services driving revenue and growth.
Challenges in deploying AI include risk assessment, and PwC emphasizes responsible AI to manage risks and encourage clients to do the same.
Advice for organizations deploying AI includes having a detailed roadmap and focusing on continuous learning and upskilling for all employees.
PwC’s approach to upskilling its workforce involves diverse learning modalities and promoting responsible use of genAI.
It is crucial for organizations to test and learn, be agile in adapting to AI advancements, and make AI learning engaging and valuable for employees.

・AIを導入する組織でのChief AI Officer(CAIO)の役割が注目されており、急速に進化する技術から企業価値を引き出す人物が必要とされている。
