• Jack Ma-backed Ant Group Co. is in discussions to acquire Chinese online platform Haodf.com to enhance its AI services in health care.
  • Ant is seeking to integrate its technology with Haodf, which offers online consultations with doctors.
  • The discussions are preliminary and subject to change.
  • Ant is exploring new growth avenues after a business overhaul in March, following a profit decline in the March quarter.
  • Haodf.com received funding from companies like Tencent Holdings Ltd. and DCM Ventures, with an estimated value of 6.5 billion yuan in 2017.
  • Ant has been investing in AI, including a video generation startup AIsphere and using AI for foreign exchange and fraud detection.
  • Ant received regulatory approval to launch products powered by its language model Bailing, developing applications for wealth management and insurance services.
  • Ant also open sourced its AI coding platform CodeFuse for developers and invested 21.2 billion yuan in research last year.

Ant Group Co.は、中国のオンラインプラットフォームHaodf.comの買収を検討しており、医療分野でのAIサービスを強化する方針です。具体的には、医師とのオンライン相談を提供するHaodfとの技術統合を目指しています。最近の利益減少に続き、Antは新たな成長の道を模索しています。これには、AIへの投資やBailingによる製品展開などが含まれます。Antは開発者向けにAIコーディングプラットフォームCodeFuseをオープンソース化し、昨年には研究に記録的な21.2億元を投資しました。

元記事: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/business/technology/2024/08/16/jack-ma-backed-ant-weighs-buying-health-care-platform-haodf/