• Software-defined vehicles (SDVs) utilize software for operations, new features, and innovations.
  • S&P Global Mobility engaged with key SDV players like Red Hat, Elektrobit, Valeo China, KPIT Technologies, and Iflytek.
  • Transition to SDVs requires managing cybersecurity risks, complying with regulations, and integrating advanced functionalities like AI-driven object detection.
  • SDVs promote continuous software updates, require robust software development environments, and shift towards centralized electronic control units.
  • Open-source principles, collaboration, and stringent cybersecurity measures are crucial for SDV development.
  • Advances in AI and machine learning enhance vehicle autonomy, user experience, and create new revenue streams through subscription-based services.
  • Manufacturers are reevaluating business models to focus on unique features and enhance the driving experience in a connected, intelligent manner.

私の考え: SDVの普及に伴い、自動車産業は大きな変革を迎えています。ソフトウェアの重要性が増し、セキュリティや革新的な機能の統合が必要とされています。オープンソースの原則や協力が重要であり、連続的なアップデートやセキュリティ対策が課題となっています。人工知能や機械学習の進歩は自動車の自律性やユーザーエクスペリエンスを向上させ、新たな収益源の創出にもつながるでしょう。メーカーはビジネスモデルの見直しを通じて、独自の特長に焦点を当て、ユーザー中心の未来を築く機会と捉えています。

元記事: https://www.spglobal.com/mobility/en/research-analysis/briefcase-the-road-ahead-for-software-defined-vehicles.html