• Code reuse platform startup Crowdbotics Inc. unveiled new AI-powered capabilities for application development to address challenges.
  • The new features aim to solve issues like project failures due to poor requirements, slow delivery caused by inconsistent architecture decisions, and uncertainty in predicting cloud costs.
  • The platform can turn text prompts into comprehensive product requirement documents, accelerating development and reducing risks.
  • New capabilities include Enterprise Context for defining corporate standards, Technical Recommendations for project breakdowns and design suggestions, and Application Code Generation for automating code creation.
  • Cloud Consumption Cost Estimation predicts monthly costs, Jira Integration ensures compatibility with DevOps tools, and Azure Deployer streamlines deployment to Azure.

新しいAI機能を導入したCrowdbotics Inc.は、アプリケーション開発における課題に対処するための新機能を発表しました。



新機能には、企業基準を定義するEnterprise Context、プロジェクトを分解しデザイン提案をするTechnical Recommendations、コード生成を自動化するApplication Code Generationなどが含まれます。

Cloud Consumption Cost Estimationは月額コストを予測し、Jira IntegrationはDevOpsツールとの互換性を確保し、Azure DeployerはAzureへの展開を効率化します。

元記事: https://siliconangle.com/2024/09/26/crowdbotics-introduces-new-ai-powered-tools-address-key-software-development-challenges/