• Jerusalem-based startup IntellAct established in 2017 developed an AI software platform to reduce flight delays by 50%.
  • The technology integrates video analytics software with airport IT systems through CCTV cameras, enhancing passenger experience and reducing carbon emissions.
  • Founder Udi Segall explained how the AI-driven software minimizes uncertainties related to flight operations.
  • Each delayed minute costs airlines over $110, and the system utilizes historical data and advanced algorithms to identify recurring delays.
  • The system tracks every stage of the process using airport CCTV cameras, providing actionable insights to optimize airplane turnaround times.
  • The Israeli flagship airline, El Al, has invested in the startup and conducted a successful pilot program at Ben-Gurion International Airport.
  • IntellAct’s AI-platform could be a game-changer for airports worldwide, especially during peak travel periods with high passenger volumes.


元記事: https://allisrael.com/israeli-startup-intellact-develops-ai-platform-to-minimize-flight-delays